Family History Resources for Genealogists and Family Tree Research in Kirkcudbrightshire

The places and place names in the parish of Kirkcudbright in the Stewartry of Kirkcudbright, along with many historical notes and links to old and new maps of the place and surrounding area.

Named Places in Kirkcudbright Parish

* Indicates apparently now uninhabited or demolished.

Name (Modern Name) Type Record Card
Academy School 54.835460,-4.058128
Angel Hill Land Feature 54.837945,-4.042250
Auchenflower Dwelling 54.818705,-4.042725
Auchenflower Plantation Named Woodland 54.818705,-4.042725
Back Bason Sea 54.770258,-4.005679
Back Galtway In Ruins 54.811000,-4.001370
Balgreddan Dwelling 54.844290,-3.985230
Balgreddan Bridge Bridge 54.850321,-3.987168
Balgreddan Burn Water 54.850400,-3.987100
Balig Cottage Dwelling * 54.797212,-4.002532
Balmae Dwelling * 54.781467,-4.045444
Balmae Burn Water 54.776919,-4.039126
Balmae Cottage Dwelling * 54.775242,-4.050106
Balmae Haven (Balmae Ha'en) Sea 54.775363,-4.056806
Bar Hill Land Feature 54.834688,-4.042121
Barhill Cottage Dwelling * 54.834146,-4.049770
Barhill Wood Named Woodland 54.832346,-4.045489
Bathinghouse Bay Sea 54.792986,-4.064155
Bell Hill Land Feature 54.838372,-4.042829
Bell's Barns Dwelling 54.833453,-4.056473
Big Drum Land Feature 54.812688,-4.020136
Big Raeberry Land Feature 54.773099,-4.019326
Birch Hill Land Feature 54.836500,-3.976100
Birch Hill Plantation Named Woodland 54.836500,-3.976100
Black Eldrick Land Feature 54.870590,-3.979330
Black Morrow Plantation Named Woodland 54.823241,-4.046946
Black Morrow Well Well 54.822190,-4.049242
Black Stockerton (Stockerton) Dwelling 54.861630,-3.994220
Black Stockerton Moor Moor 54.877660,-3.985120
Blackhill Dwelling 54.797959,-4.035028
Blackhill Plantation Named Woodland 54.800773,-4.034513
Bombie Dwelling 54.830665,-4.005474
Bombie Castle Historical Site 54.832891,-4.001319
Bombie Glen Dwelling 54.833138,-4.005686
Bombie Glen Land Feature 54.832267,-3.997747
Bombie Hill Land Feature 54.823360,-3.995330
Brandy Craig Sea 54.769583,-4.038337
Broad Yard Plantation Named Woodland 54.796079,-4.034556
Brockloch (Brockcleugh) Dwelling * 54.844074,-4.014613
Brockloch Plantation (Brockcleugh Plantation) Named Woodland 54.847230,-4.011930
Buckland Bridge Bridge 54.827421,-4.022426
Buckland Burn Water 54.820034,-4.031910
Burnside Dwelling * 54.778136,-4.009614
Burnside Nursery Gardens * 54.847111,-4.040000
Butter Well Well 54.829094,-4.053877
Cairny Hill Land Feature 54.802956,-4.007712
Cannee Dwelling 54.828253,-4.044929
Carse Dwelling 54.855730,-4.038750
Carse Moat (Carse Mote) Mote 54.858251,-4.033699
Castle Fergus Historical Site 54.837806,-4.027680
Castle Hill Land Feature 54.788378,-4.043277
Castle Hill Plantation Named Woodland 54.788378,-4.043277
Castle Mains Dwelling 54.835316,-4.059088
Castledykes Historical Site 54.835264,-4.061164
Castledykes Point Sea 54.837722,-4.061580
Chapman's Howe Land Feature 54.860820,-3.968570
Church Church 54.836325,-4.050808
Clinking Cove Sea 54.770369,-4.035698
Clownstane Bridge Bridge 54.828793,-4.015388
Clownstane Burn Water 54.828156,-4.014916
Clownstane Gill Land Feature 54.828156,-4.014916
Cockbilly Strand Water 54.864115,-3.962035
Coldoach Mote Mote 54.862005,-4.015785
Cow Green Land Feature 54.823865,-4.061795
Craigens Land Feature 54.858840,-3.980840
Craikness Hill Land Feature 54.783640,-4.037310
Crofthead (Banks Cottages) Dwelling 54.813597,-4.031230
Culdoch (Culdoach) Dwelling 54.861730,-4.018150
Culdoch Burn (Culdoach Burn) Water 54.866674,-4.020567
Culdoch Hill (Culdoach Hill) Land Feature 54.868270,-4.005860
Culdoch Moor (Culdoach Moor) Land Feature 54.867900,-4.002280
Culdoch Smithy Smithy 54.860770,-4.029442
Cutters Pool Sea 54.799456,-4.062889
Drumamoss Land Feature 54.778503,-4.049998
Drumbeg Plantation Named Woodland 54.796079,-4.034556
Drumcroy Land Feature 54.822560,-4.033648
Drummore (Dromore) Dwelling 54.789126,-4.032925
Drummore Castle Historical Site 54.789193,-4.041960
Drummore Cottage Dwelling * 54.788120,-4.029234
Dunrod Burn Water 54.784175,-4.006516
Dunrod Church Historical Site 54.792293,-4.024170
Dunrod Corn Mill Mill * 54.791061,-4.006915
Dunrod Village (site of) Historical Site 54.791693,-4.025908
Duns Was (site of) Historical Site 54.869030,-4.022060
Flud Ha' (Fludha) Dwelling 54.848686,-4.040000
Fort (at Milton Farm) Historical Site 54.801708,-4.017761
Fort (at North Milton) Historical Site 54.810059,-4.008797
Galtway Church (St. Michael's Church) Historical Site 54.815304,-4.019042
Galtway Hill Land Feature 54.813900,-4.002100
Galtway Moss (Gillroanie Moss) Land Feature 54.809102,-4.017411
Galtway Plantation Named Woodland 54.812194,-4.005008
Galtway Village Historical Site 54.816455,-4.013513
Gauger's Loop Sea 54.781127,-4.062766
Gill Moss Land Feature 54.795349,-4.053684
Gillroanie (Gillroanie Cottage) Dwelling 54.810722,-4.022947
Glebe Land Feature 54.839417,-4.040724
Glenley Burn Water 54.835592,-4.021798
Glenley Heugh Land Feature 54.831876,-4.019757
Glenley Plantation Named Woodland 54.830881,-4.023040
Grange Dwelling 54.806852,-4.042547
Grange Burn (Buckland Burn) Water 54.815460,-4.047203
Grange Hill Land Feature 54.805009,-4.030221
Grange Wood Named Woodland 54.807699,-4.032539
Great Cross Historical Site 54.828871,-4.058726
Green Hill Land Feature 54.858550,-3.969130
Greencruise Dwelling * 54.854830,-3.958140
Gregory Dwelling 54.786093,-4.022244
Gribdie (Gribdae) Dwelling 54.832800,-3.977460
Gribdie Burn (Gribdae Burn) Water 54.836605,-3.987075
Gypsy Point Sea 54.769908,-4.046840
Halftide Rock Sea 54.782383,-4.065571
Hartburn Dwelling 54.857510,-3.974450
Haystacks Sea 54.770926,-4.018682
Herries Slaughter Land Feature 54.854316,-4.035577
High Banks Dwelling 54.820937,-4.015144
High Banks Plantation Named Woodland 54.825020,-4.019658
High Boreland Dwelling 54.857364,-4.030000
High Kirkland Dwelling 54.829398,-4.032224
High Knockorr Land Feature 54.837893,-4.017005
Howell Dwelling * 54.780711,-4.023030
Howell Bay Sea 54.771174,-4.031020
Inch Island Sea 54.811922,-4.070013
Isle Perch Sea 54.809232,-4.072159
Janefield Dwelling 54.848910,-4.041928
Janet's Plantation Named Woodland 54.835702,-4.039611
Jordieland Dwelling 54.855643,-4.008304
Jordieland Loch Loch 54.862190,-4.005410
Jordieland Wood Named Woodland 54.859528,-4.008905
Keaw Cove Sea 54.779280,-4.060411
Kiln Hill Plantation Named Woodland 54.832900,-3.976100
King William's Battery Historical Site 54.780271,-4.061208
Kirkbride Dwelling 54.867050,-3.959240
Kirkbride Cairn Land Feature 54.867050,-3.959240
Kirkcudbright Town/Village 54.835605,-4.055607
Kirkcudbright Castle (site of) Historical Site 54.835264,-4.061164
Kirkcudbright Corn Mill Mill 54.838599,-4.045551
Kirkcudbright Union Poorhouse Dwelling * 54.844415,-4.039393
Kirkhouse Dwelling 54.837133,-4.040394
Kirkland (site of) Historical Site 54.834643,-4.018507
Kirkland Fort Historical Site 54.834165,-4.037583
Kirkland Hill Land Feature 54.831115,-4.028855
Kirkstead Dwelling * 54.840310,-3.983360
Kirkstead Bridge Bridge 54.840490,-3.983900
Knock John Hill Land Feature 54.842290,-3.985270
Knockorr Plantation Named Woodland 54.842218,-4.018185
Knockshinnie Land Feature 54.786986,-4.048389
Knockshinnie Plantation Named Woodland 54.787620,-4.048201
Knockskelly Hill Land Feature 54.866950,-3.994400
Knockskelly Plantation Named Woodland 54.866960,-3.994450
Knocktannie Land Feature 54.789640,-4.058512
Knocktannie Plantation Named Woodland 54.791007,-4.055958
Lady Katherine's Plantation Named Woodland 54.781325,-4.053855
Lancefield Dwelling * 54.838971,-4.045910
Laurel Cottage Dwelling 54.794464,-4.037238
Little Balmae Dwelling 54.780391,-4.036581
Little Cross Historical Site 54.821757,-4.061730
Little Drum Land Feature 54.812497,-4.022453
Little Gregory Dwelling * 54.787283,-4.016035
Little Raeberry Land Feature 54.771434,-4.013103
Little Sypland Dwelling 54.861170,-3.986430
Little Sypland Moat Mote 54.864070,-3.979580
Loch Fergus Land Feature 54.836906,-4.028340
Lochfergus Dwelling 54.839641,-4.028099
Lochfergus Plantation Named Woodland 54.842471,-4.032519
Lochfin Land Feature 54.843694,-4.020996
Long Acres (Long Acre) Land Feature 54.829960,-4.057439
Long Hill Land Feature 54.836030,-3.980810
Long Hill Plantation Named Woodland 54.836030,-3.980810
Long Plantation Named Woodland 54.783417,-4.039370
Long Robin Sea 54.790011,-4.065378
Low Banks (Banks) Dwelling 54.817554,-4.030221
Low Boreland Dwelling 54.848030,-4.039053
Low Kirkland Dwelling 54.831561,-4.040163
Low Knockorr Land Feature 54.835088,-4.023571
Low Milton Dwelling * 54.792906,-4.018891
Maclellan's Castle Historical Site 54.837102,-4.053032
Manse - Free Church Manse 54.839477,-4.045910
Manxman's Lake Sea 54.816707,-4.055379
March Cleugh Land Feature 54.870630,-4.015470
Marks Dwelling 54.846300,-3.976590
Martin Craig Plantation Named Woodland 54.831100,-3.981770
Meikle Doach Water 54.864900,-4.026730
Meikle Sypland Dwelling 54.839314,-4.006126
Mermaid's Chair Sea 54.770165,-4.010442
Mid Boreland Dwelling * 54.852605,-4.031650
Mid Boreland Plantation Named Woodland 54.851222,-4.031095
Mill House Dwelling 54.815625,-4.041443
Milton Dwelling 54.799518,-4.014707
Milton Cottage Dwelling 54.803420,-4.017797
Milton Parks Land Feature 54.789578,-4.020436
Moat Brae Historical Site 54.837294,-4.052157
Monk's Well Historical Site 54.817542,-4.065550
Moss Bank Plantation Named Woodland 54.823416,-4.035464
Moss House Dwelling * 54.811563,-4.069198
Mullock Bay Sea 54.770258,-4.005679
Mutehill Dwelling 54.815124,-4.044929
Neptune's Cottage Dwelling 54.845917,-4.041942
North Milton Dwelling 54.809010,-4.012669
Oakley House Dwelling 54.833965,-4.052640
Orchard Banks Plantation Named Woodland 54.820912,-4.032039
Palace Isle Historical Site 54.837806,-4.027680
Paradise Land Feature 54.822598,-4.050122
Park House Dwelling 54.828754,-4.051903
Parkgate Dwelling 54.799845,-4.055701
Paul Jones's Point Sea 54.813616,-4.064713
Point of the Isle Sea 54.813338,-4.069176
Portmuddle (Port Muddle) Sea 54.769522,-4.041406
Priory Doach Water 54.864770,-4.026780
Queen Mary's Pool Water 54.870700,-4.021800
Queen of Sardinia Rock Sea 54.815811,-4.060593
Raeberry Castle (site of) Historical Site 54.771602,-4.023700
Railway Terminus Railway * 54.838400,-4.048448
Raven's Nest Sea 54.783611,-4.065732
Red Rock Sea 54.776932,-4.059289
Ring Liggat Dwelling 54.806470,-4.004070
Rob's Craigs Sea 54.769986,-4.008490
Roman Camp (at Bombie) Historical Site 54.829855,-4.012955
Roman Camp (at Whinnieliggate) Historical Site 54.846010,-3.999100
Roman Camp (Dunrod) Historical Site 54.791234,-4.023963
Rough Hill Land Feature 54.834160,-4.012115
Sandside Dwelling 54.825830,-4.051881
Saphire Sea 54.779023,-4.061113
Scar Hill Land Feature 54.872970,-3.984730
Shilling Hill Land Feature 54.838612,-4.044698
Shilling Hill Dwelling 54.838647,-4.045007
Shore Plantation Named Woodland 54.793079,-4.062224
Shoulder o' Craig Land Feature 54.866180,-4.023540
Silver Craigs Land Feature 54.836169,-4.044929
Silver Hill Land Feature 54.785183,-4.010893
Silver Hill Glen Land Feature 54.786200,-4.006682
Skinnel Burn Water 54.812008,-4.036959
Slate Harbour Sea 54.821510,-4.069949
Snuff Mill Creek Water 54.839660,-4.048384
Sounding Kettle 54.825113,-4.028842
Spout Plantation Named Woodland 54.853109,-4.030365
St. Cuthbert's Church (site of) Historical Site 54.838306,-4.040203
St. Cuthbert's Cottage Dwelling 54.852303,-4.038023
St. Margaret's Well Well 54.771972,-4.022180
St. Mary's Isle Land Feature 54.820601,-4.065520
St. Mary's Isle Priory (Site of) Historical Site 54.820317,-4.063061
St. Michael's Glen Land Feature 54.841030,-3.979540
St. Michael's Kirk (site of) Historical Site 54.840099,-3.978316
Stable Isle Land Feature 54.834790,-4.028670
Sterling Acres Land Feature 54.843818,-4.044006
Sypland Moat Mote 54.838781,-4.010643
The Battery Historical Site 54.795081,-4.048204
Tippet Hill Land Feature 54.832380,-3.980310
Tommy's Plantation Named Woodland 54.832196,-4.049993
Tongue of Bombie Dwelling 54.829480,-3.988920
Tongueland Bridge (Tongland Bridge) Bridge 54.857805,-4.039139
Tongueland Old Bridge (Tongland Old Bridge) Bridge 54.860686,-4.031551
Torrs Dwelling 54.789794,-4.053812
Torrs Cove Bay Sea 54.777875,-4.058844
Torrs Cove or Dick Hatterick Cove (Torrs Cave or Dick Hatterick's Cave) Sea 54.778701,-4.059198
Torrs Moor Dwelling 54.797854,-4.053319
Torrs Perch Sea 54.793803,-4.064198
Torrs Point Sea 54.781158,-4.065571
Townhead Dwelling 54.794267,-4.028547
Townhead Plantation Named Woodland 54.798299,-4.031273
Townhead School School 54.795052,-4.037066
Underwood Named Woodland 54.786608,-4.058555
Upper Carse Dwelling 54.859066,-4.031272
Wee Doach Water 54.863330,-4.028060
Whinnyliggat Loch Land Feature 54.850010,-4.000330
Whinnyliggat School School 54.850370,-3.995820
Whinnyliggat Smithy Smithy 54.848290,-3.996810
White Eldrick Land Feature 54.869010,-3.975360
Witchwife's Haven Sea 54.784223,-4.066612