Contact Page

Would you like to become involved?

This site is a community based website aimed at promoting the history and people of the County of Kirkcudbright. All contributions of information etc are made on a voluntary basis, licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License, and the website does not exist to achieve financial gain other than to cover basic running costs. We hope that we will be able to attract others who have similar interest to contribute their time and research to expand the website content.

If you would like more information, or are keen to become involved, please contact Jim Bell in Kirkcudbright - email

Genealogy Enquiries

Many people visiting this site do so because they are researching their family tree. We do not provide personal assistance with this research however we recognise that researchers often require help from someone with local knowledge.

Please use the following email address if you have a genealogy enquiry and we will pass it on to a local researcher. Sometimes simple enquiries can be quickly answered at no cost however extended research will only be carried out on a researcher's fee basis. If you are stuck it's certainly worth a try.